
Setting up TI SensorTag on OSX and Linux

EDIT: Uniflash, a Universal Flash Programmer for Texas Instruments devices is now available.

Setting up the TI SensorTag on OSX to work with Contiki turned out to be tricky. After many hours of searching and hacking around, i found the solution:


bash# /Applications/Energia.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/DSLite/DebugServer/bin/DSLite load -c /Applications/Energia.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/DSLite/CC2650F128_TIXDS110_Connection.ccxml -f FileToFlash.elf

I recommend creating an alias in .bash_profile like so:

bash# echo 'alias sensortag-flash="/Applications/Energia.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/DSLite/DebugServer/bin/DSLite \
load -c /Applications/Energia.app/Contents/Java/hardware/tools/DSLite/CC2650F128_TIXDS110_Connection.ccxml -f "' >> ~/.bash_profile

Then you can flash by:

bash# sensortag-flash filetoflash.elf


With homebrew:

bash# brew tap osx-cross/arm


To get a Serial output look at /dev/tty.usbmodem0000000x devices provided by the Debugger DevPack:


To setup in linux or the Instant Contiki VM follow this post

In that post there is also a solution for the Debugger DevPack firmware upgrade issue.